They turn to Dale
when the meeting matters
“His presentation is a wild, uninhibited, fast-moving experience that put a smile on the faces of the advertising team.” -Brad Hanahan, Daily Herald.

You’re currently facing one or more of these issues planning your meeting:
• The pressure to deliver a great conference
• Working with unknown speakers
• Have to make the meeting exciting
• Overcoming a predecessor’s success
• First time producer of this event
• Trying to reenergize an old conference
• A new venue or destination city
• Overcome last year’s conference failures
Do You Identify With
Any of the Issues?
When it matters, take the meeting to the next level.
Dale’s appearance is the perfect way to energize the crowd and set an enthusiastic, upbeat tone for the Keynote Speaker. Dale’s energetic confidence spills into the audience warming up the audience, creating that late-night talk show reaction that you want for your Keynote Speaker.
Exposed to the Conference will engage the audience and establish a connection that makes them laugh, clap, raise a hand that gives the audience the “OK” to engage the speaker.
Did you really do all you can to make your conference tremendous, or are you overlooking something?
The average conference committee has numerous internal meetings dealing with event location, time of year, and the tough decision of who will be the keynote speaker.
Next is who will speak during the breakout meetings, and how many vendors and attendees can we get through the doors? If you did this, congratulations, you have created another mundane conference.
What is being overlooked, you may wonder? The one thing that makes your event memorable and your keynote look great to the audience.
A special warm-up presentation to energizing the audience is required. It sets an enthusiastic, upbeat tone for your conference to feed off of, and the audience is warmed up for the Keynote Speaker.
So, can this presentation help you?
Dale Obrochta’s presentation, Exposed to the Conference, is an energetic speech that warms up the audience, creating that late-night talk show reaction that you want for your Keynote Speaker.
You hear the balance between entertainer, presenter, and conference ambassador as Dale warms up the audience.
Reduce unnecessary pressure on the keynote and the opening of your conference? You don’t think the late-night television tosses the star to the audience and says, “Make them laugh.”
Do what TV has done for years and create the audience’s electricity to travel through your conference and give it the energy it needs for a great conference.
Do not worry; it is not too late to improve as you have already done the mundane stuff; now comes the fun time to put the energy into the conference by calling Dale now.
Why is this
A Keynote Speaker who is slow or fails to connect with the audience reflects directly on the conference. The mood, tempo, and energy of the conference start with the Keynote. The Keynote Speaker is often introduced by a committee member who focuses on reading a bio and not warming up the audience.
Exposed to the Conference presentation:
- Encourages Laughter
- Visual Stimulating
- Activates Audience Active Listen Skills
- Brand of Conference Name
- Brands a #Hashtag
- Is the appetizer before the main course?
Dale Obrochta
Speaker, Coach, Entertainer
Expose to the Conference
When it matters, the professionals call Dale
(708) 744-0234