The Importance of Clarity

The Importance of Phone Clarity when Communicating Critical Information Consumers demand more clarity from televisions, video cameras, computer monitors and even our portable devices like the i Pads, are not excluded from the criticism when it come to clarity. Yet this morning, a high ranking representative from the teachers union was trying to generate public […]

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Perception it’s a Mind Game

Perceptions, don’t let them keep you from Archiving your Goals.   The inside sales staff perception of the world is controlled by their communication limitations.   Tethered to a phone, computer, and the surrounding equipment they struggle to achieve goals set by management.  Many will seek to reach the goals while others fall short and blame […]

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10 People who have Tarnished their Public Image

Public Image: The Good, Bad, and Ugly – Do you know these people by their tarnished image? 1)      Take a picture of private parts and store them on a computer that has access to the Internet. 2)      Frantically trashing a hotel room while looking for your wallet and cell phone, after you have been partying […]

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Organization Helps an Image

Sync Outlook with Google Calendar and Improve Organization and Your Image Long gone are the dedicated intercom systems linking directly to the efficient secretary whose organization duties were to maintain our business and personal appointments. Nowadays, we are the secretary, efficiency is questionable, but schedule makers we are. We don’t have anybody to blame for missing an appointment […]

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Does Lady Gaga Influential You

Lady Gaga, Influential or Popular Celebrity Lady Gaga‘s influential according to Frobes. Forbes announced Lady Gaga as the number one influential celebrities, knocking off Oprah Winfrey from their top honors this week.  Lady Gaga, who has the title of largest fan group on Twitter, 10.2 million follower and some 34.3 million Facebook fans, is popular […]

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Manage your Reputation

Manage your Image & Reputation using Yelp Do you realize Yelp is a service that allows customers to rank your business and leave a review of their experience has exceeded 15 million reviews?  As a business owner it is critical that you manage your image and reputation and to see what your clients are saying […]

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Google Your Image

What is your Reputation According to Google? Have you recently Googled your Name, email address, or company name lately? You may be pleasantly surprised or horrified at the results of your reputation. I once knew a professional entertainer who posted in a forum, “Why do my balloons keep popping.”  When they Googled their name that […]

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Wikipedia it!

Wikipedia is an online resource that the general public supports and writes.  Some feel is a trustworthy site while others think it’s run by a bunch of crackpots and is untrustworthy. Whatever your belief is, many times a search engine will bring these pages to the top of the search rankings.  If you look at […]

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Reputation through Association

There is a concept that if you are part of a successful or popular organization, that its good deeds will magically be bestowed upon you like royalty.  Just because you show up to a meeting, display the organization logo on your website doesn’t mean you deserve the benefits of their good deeds. We should not […]

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The Past is not the Future

Granddad was a barrel maker at the Chicago Stock Yards; Dad worked at American Can then moved from the factory line to office cubical. Your cubical is more of a mobile command center with multiple software Apps connecting you to clients around the world. The companies that your ancestors have worked at no long exists […]

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