Is Your Facebook Image Secure?

Become security proactive with Facebook insures your image will not be compromised. When you’re the 3 largest country in the world you would expect to have some problems, after all utopia is a concept and not a reality. We don’t think of Facebook as a country, but, if we did the recourse and skills would […]

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Explain Your Business Failures

Tell me your war story and I will tell you mine One of the premises of social media is to create a conversation with your followers.  Some people are really great at striking up a conversation, while others lack social grace and simply ask the wrong questions. Organizations and individuals that are trying to help, […]

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How to Respond Correctly in Facebook

How to respond to a Facebook post in a way that would not get you into trouble Too often, we read a Facebook post and automatically treat the post as if it is a direct communication with us.  Like the person is reaching out to have a personal conversation. When we get sucked into this […]

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Protecting Your Internet or Social Image

Their using my image to slam the industry I work in. Protecting your image is more then Goggling your company information, but actively looking in other areas.  I recently was searching groups in Facebook and came across Mothers Against People Making Balloon Animals While Driving (MAMAPMBAWD).  As a balloon entertainer this group name caught my […]

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Social Media Affects Your Business Image

Face it; social media is here. Social media is not going away quickly, so with that said, “Is your company addressing the affect it could have on your business or your career?” Learn more about social media in the work place on September 21, 2011 at Gurnee Chamber of Commerce Lunch-N-Learn. RSVP here and save […]

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Keeping Your Promise Improves Your Business Image

Promising Yourself to Failure I promise, I will pass-on your resume I promise, I will help you promote this product I promise, I will stop smoking I promise, that I be home by 6:00 I promise, that I will lose weight I promise, I will come over and help you I promise, I will _____________ […]

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Sales Force Social Media Woo’s

Is your sales force lacking social media skills? In today’s business culture companies are discouraging sales force from using social media, but yet they want their sales force social media savvy about its marketing potential.  Social media is a double ended sword – you have to allow your sales force to experience it and use […]

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Working Under Pressure

Working Under Pressure You Achieve Your Best Work “I do my best work under pressure,” really, under pressure? I have heard this statement from many people who are up against a clock to get a project completed.  Magically, they get super human abilities that allow them to think faster, focus harder, and manage their time […]

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Consistency is not the path to Exceptional

Consistently late, consistently unreliable, consistently is mediocre we rate people by. Consistency is a negative perception more so than a positive perception.  Very rarely will you hear the praise of being consistently on time, consistently superior, or consistently accurate?  Yet people stride to be consistent in their activities, judgments and routines. Maybe the trick to […]

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The Image of Intelligence

Being Informed, the Illusion of Intelligence in Business Keeping informed of what is going on at work, your industry, and events’ happening around you creates the illusion of intelligence. One doesn’t need to be a world scholar to read a blog or scan a press release. Business reports, company emails, and social media information streams […]

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