During the holiday many people think Santa is running the show.
Yet for those in the trenches, it’s the worker elf that does it all, don’t you know.
I’m here to help keep those worker elves from getting coal in their Christmas stocking.
Be careful so you don’t regret posting any pictures that could be shocking!
As you know, elves like to have a holiday brew and let down their hair

So here are a couple of safety tips for this Christmas that I’ll share.
Hide the holiday cheer and those party shots from every camera’s view
Unless you’re at a college party disguised in a sheet or two.
If that’s the case, go on ahead, and show off the holiday cheer.
It may help others to understand why you’re pictured in your underwear!
Review all pictures taken that night, for just a bad expressions,
Or a misplaced hand, or half-cocked eye, may make for a bad impression.
With every picture or text you pin, post, tweet, chat, or share
I would suggest you act as if your mother is watching there.
For I’ve been told employers are everywhere in this technical age
So never forget, whatever you do, act like you’re on stage.
The bosses are watching and listening, placing people on a naughty list.
So beware this holiday season, and strive to act your best.
I ask if you dare to share a selfie with me; it’s just for fun and
Tag it #UnderstandingYourImage, and Merry Christmas, everyone!